Expand abroad event: destination the Netherlands

Dutchify hosts expand abroad in Helsinki

by dutchify

We are happy to announce the first edition Expand Abroad event. Dutchify will host this first edition in Helsinki Finland on the 28th of February. Nick de Bruijn our CEO will talk about the challenges of expansion abroad. During the event, Nick is analyzing the product of a Finish company. The goal is to inform companies on a market entry strategy for the Netherlands. Are you coming too?

The event host is Maria01 which you can find in an old hospital campus that dates back to the 1800s. “Marian Sairaala” (Maria’s hospital) was the first and also the oldest hospital in Helsinki. The hospital was also the first in the Nordics to hire the first female doctor. Maria01’s community is excellent for start-ups: going from nothing to something. Maria 01 identified the problem of not having a community targeted to startups. They solved it by offering more than a “co-working space” in Helsinki.

The event

Expand abroad offers companies throughout the world links with experts in the Netherlands. During our events, your company gets a detailed case study about your move abroad. This event will also feature speakers that are industry leaders in their field. The goal of the event is to inform you and make cross border networking possible. Our CEO Nick will host Expand abroad and he will give a detailed analysis of the company case study. You will get enough time for a detailed Q&A and networking afterward.

The agenda will start at 4 pm on the 28th of February:

  • The case study: Why is company X suitable for market entry in NL
  • Amsterdam: What does this city offer compared to other major tech hubs?
  • The Netherlands: A expert story from an expat business founder
  • Gateway to Europe: Why the Netherlands is the biggest opportunity for tech and IT
  • Dutchify: Presenting a case study on an international client moving to NL
  • Q & A with the speakers
  • Networking

Here is a link to the event if you have not reserved your tickets yet. Be sure to do so soon as we have limited seats available!

A small introductions of this editions speakers:

Dennis Cowles

Dutch Connections was first established in 2002. Dennis gives support to international companies seeking to expand into the Netherlands. He offers strategic marketing, tactical analyses, go-to-market strategies, and commercial development advice. Dennis Cowles has large marketing; communications experience in multinational organizations. Examples include IDT Retail Mobile, British Telecom and Philips International. Dennis has been a driving force behind their successes in the European market. And he can do the same for your company!

Veronica Guguian

Veronica is a strategic marketer with over 15 years of experience. She founded SPIN Ideas, a strategic marketing agency to help your company. SPIN Ideas helps start-ups to SME’s to convert their stories into a marketing strategy. Her clients include tech, coaching, housing, events, and the chemical industry. Next to this, Veronica builds strong strategic partnerships. Her motto is that by working together we can create a massive impact on modern-day business. The key is authenticity, which is the best way to communicate and reach your audience. Veronica talks and hosts workshops, and she works with clients.

Karim Sabri

Expat Republic is a Dutch-based media company helping & entertaining expats in The Netherlands. Karim’s platform hosts the most exciting events and workshops to integrate into society. Their message is how to navigate the Netherlands as an expat. Karim can host your events in the Netherlands and is also available for sales, marketing, and advertising.

We hope you are as excited as we are for the next event. Be sure to reserve your tickets because they will sell out fast! Are you a Dutch company and interested in sponsoring our next event? Send an email to [email protected] for more information.


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